Sunday, April 20, 2014

Whose life HASN'T Scarcella ruined? I mean honestly...

Convicts Say New York City Detective Framed Them

Scarcella gives Hynes and Vecchione a run for their money for the worst person in law enforcement award

I sincerely hope that as more and more wrongful convictions come to light there is some serious discussion amongst our policy makers regarding accountability. This is an epidemic in not only our city, but our country. Although I will say, the sheer volume of wrongful conviction cases continuing to come out of Brooklyn is astounding. 

In any event, here's two recent  NYT articles relating to Scumcella:

Notes Found in Review of Police Work Could Exonerate 2 Convicted in Killing
“Scarcella framed me; that I knew already. But that they had the name of another person as the actual murderer? That had me in shock.” — Alvena Jennette

April 8, 2014

A review of homicide convictions stemming from the work of Louis Scarcella, a Brooklyn detective accused of framing suspects, has turned up a stash of old handwritten police notes that could exonerate two men convicted of a murder in 1985. One of the men served 21 years in prison; the other died behind bars.

The notes were in a file tucked away at Police Headquarters and were written by the first detective assigned to the case. They show that two previously undisclosed eyewitnesses saw the September 1985 killing of a man named Ronnie Durant, but they named killers different from the two men who were convicted. The notebook could have affected the verdict; not turning it over to defense lawyers decades ago is a serious violation of the rules of criminal procedure, experts said.
It was the first significant revelation disclosed by the Brooklyn district attorney’s office in the 11 months since it began a wide-ranging investigation into the work of Mr. Scarcella, who worked the streets of Brooklyn in the 1980s and 1990s and is now retired. One of the most successful detectives in New York City history, he has been accused of a variety of infractions, including roughing up suspects, inventing confessions and even pulling informers out of prison to smoke crack and visit prostitutes or girlfriends.

Questions about Mr. Scarcella prompted the previous district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, to review all the murder cases in which Mr. Scarcella’s work resulted in a conviction. But the revelations were so damaging that they contributed to Mr. Hynes’s surprise defeat in both the primary and general election last year. He was beaten both times — once running as a Democrat and once as a Republican — by Kenneth P. Thompson. 

“Our prompt disclosure in this case to the defense counsel and to the court reflects our determination to review these cases thoroughly and with integrity,” Mr. Thompson, who took office on Jan. 1, said in a statement.

Mr. Thompson’s office disclosed the evidence in a letter to Brooklyn’s chief administrative judge, Matthew J. D’Emic. The letter, signed by Assistant District Attorney Jessica Wilson of the Conviction Review Unit, said the matter was under investigation and did not say what action prosecutors would take.

Mr. Durant, who was known as Pepper, was killed around 12:45 a.m. on Sept. 10, 1985. Witnesses said two men chased him from a spot known for drug dealing on Park Place in Crown Heights, shot him and stole the money from his pockets. He was 34.

The first witness to talk to the police was the victim’s nephew, who blamed two brothers, Alvena Jennette and Darryl Austin — known as Uni — and another man who was not charged. The case was dormant for two years because the district attorney had doubts about the nephew’s character, records show.

The notes show that the first detective assigned to the case, Bobby Jones, interviewed a witness who said that the brothers helped rob Mr. Durant but that another man shot him. Another witness interviewed seven months after the killing said Mr. Jennette and Mr. Austin were standing on a nearby stoop during the shooting but had nothing to do with it, the notes revealed.

The witness implicated another person and even gave Detective Jones the name and whereabouts of the person who had the gun.

“Uni was there, but he did not do anything,” Detective Jones wrote after showing a group of photos to the witness. 

“Alvina Jannette standing on stoop. Did not do anything.”

Mr. Scarcella, who in interviews has denied any wrongdoing, inherited the Durant case two years after the murder because it had gone cold. He solved it by producing testimony from Teresa Gomez, whom he had used in several prior cases. She identified the two brothers as the killers. With her testimony corroborating that of the victim’s nephew, and no mention of other witnesses, charges were filed. Both men were convicted and sentenced to 18 years to life in prison.

Mr. Jennette, 50, served almost 21 years in prison for the robbery and murder of Mr. Durant before he was released on parole in 2007. His co-defendant and brother died in prison at age 37.

Their case was reopened last year after The New York Times revealed that the two men were convicted largely on the word of Ms. Gomez, who had become a witness for Mr. Scarcella in as many as six murder cases.

“Scarcella framed me; that I knew already,” Mr. Jennette said. “But that they had the name of another person as the actual murderer? That had me in shock.”

Detective Jones, who could not be located for comment, testified at the trial and never mentioned these witnesses, Mr. Jennette said in a recent interview.

According to two sources familiar with the investigation, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office file did not contain the notebook belonging to Mr. Jones. It was not immediately clear who failed to turn it over to the district attorney’s office, or whether the prosecutor ever knew about it.

Lawyers for Mr. Scarcella, Alan M. Abramson and Joel S. Cohen, said there was no evidence that Mr. Scarcella ever had the notebook, and accused The Times of engaging in sensational coverage.

“Responsibility for turning potentially exculpatory material to the defense rests solely with the district attorney’s office and not with the case detective,” the lawyers said. “The coverage of Detective Scarcella has been fraught with factual errors, innuendo and misrepresentations.”

Since the 1963 Supreme Court ruling in Brady v. Maryland, prosecutors have been obligated to share exculpatory information with defense lawyers. Violations of this rule can cause convictions to be overturned.

Although prosecutors deemed responsible can be disciplined for such violations, it almost never occurs.

The assistant district attorney in the case, Eric Bjorneby, is now a judge in Nassau County. New York State judicial conduct rules say Mr. Bjorneby can still be disciplined.

Mr. Bjorneby was on vacation overseas and could not be reached for comment, a court spokesman said.

The responsibility to turn the information over fell squarely on the prosecutor, even if the information was at Police Headquarters, legal experts said.

“You can’t just stick your head in the sand and say if you don’t know it, you don’t have any obligation,” said Stephen Gillers, a legal ethics expert at New York University School of Law.

Mr. Jennette’s lawyer, Pierre Sussman, called the failure to disclose the evidence “reprehensible.”
Mr. Sussman represents another man, David Ranta, who in February received a $6.4 million settlement from the city after he served 23 years in prison in a murder case lawyers say Mr. Scarcella largely manufactured. The case was considered so egregious that the city comptroller settled it before a lawsuit was filed and without consulting the city attorney.

On Monday, the Brooklyn district attorney announced that a Harvard Law School professor, Ronald S. Sullivan Jr., had been hired to head the new Conviction Review Unit.

“They have information that could exonerate people, but they don’t give it to you,” Mr. Jennette said. “There are probably thousands of cases like mine.

Prisoner to Face Parole Board as Questions Grow About His Conviction 
 By: Francis Robles
April 13, 2014 

Robert Hill, a former Crown Heights drug dealer, was convicted of murder in 1988 on the word of a serial eyewitness hooked on crack.

Three other witnesses who insist Mr. Hill is innocent recently resurfaced, and defense lawyers have raised new challenges to the credibility of another witness who testified at the trial.

With questions about his conviction growing and with 28 of his 53 years spent behind bars, Mr. Hill is now among a growing number of convicts who hope the New York State Board of Parole will review their cases with a measure of skepticism and show mercy.

On Tuesday, the board will hear a petition from Mr. Hill. For the hearing, Mr. Hill’s lawyers presented an application explaining that Mr. Hill’s case is one of about 50 reopened last year by the Brooklyn district attorney’s office after allegations of misconduct against a police detective, Louis Scarcella, cast a shadow over convictions in many of Mr. Scarcella’s cases.

The petition and others like it have thrust the board into what some experts say is an awkward and perhaps inappropriate role. As more convictions come under scrutiny for police and prosecutorial misconduct, commissioners are being asked to revisit factual questions that are typically beyond the scope of their mandate.

With no action yet by the district attorney in the case of Mr. Hill, he and his lawyers are hoping the Parole Board will act.
“I am very frustrated,” Mr. Hill said in a telephone interview from Fishkill Correctional Facility. “After all this came out, I thought that I would be declared innocent from the court soon. I haven’t heard nothing. I’m stressed out.”

Although the parole strategy could work — one inmate in a Scarcella case was recently released after a petition similar to Mr. Hill’s — Parole Board members have voiced resistance.

In January, two parole commissioners balked when the state attorney general’s Conviction Review Bureau urged the board to release a Nassau County man, Ronald Bower, who had been convicted of sex offenses. One commissioner asked why prosecutors did not have the “fortitude” to exonerate the man and instead decided to saddle the Parole Board with making the tough call.

“It does put the Parole Board in a very bad position,” one of the parole commissioners, Lisa Beth Elovich, said in January, according to minutes of the hearing published by The Long Island Press.

The parole was granted, and Mr. Bower was released after 21 years in prison.

Although the parole board historically required inmates to express remorse for their crimes, an increasing awareness of wrongful convictions has opened the door for inmates to assert their innocence.

At his hearing, Mr. Hill will have to explain why he expressed remorse at two prior parole hearings. A lawyer for Mr. Hill said he did so because he believed that was a requirement for release. “It is unfortunate that our system of justice at times leads people to believe they have no choice but to admit to things they have not done,” said the lawyer, Sharon Katz, who is working free on Mr. Hill’s case.

The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision does not track the number of inmates who claim innocence at their hearings. A spokesman for the agency declined to comment.

In January 1987, when Mr. Hill was a drug dealer known as Bobby Love, a man named Donald Manboardes turned up at Kings County Hospital with gunshot wounds. All the police knew was that someone had flagged a taxi in Crown Heights, put the wounded Mr. Manboardes in the car, and sent him on his own to get medical assistance. Mr. Manboardes died.
Mr. Hill was arrested a few months later and charged in the killing, after an unhappy customer of Mr. Hill’s told Detective Scarcella that she saw Mr. Hill shoot the victim on a Rogers Avenue corner and put him into a taxi with the help of a woman and two men.

The witness, Teresa Gomez, got the color of the cab and a few other important details wrong. When she took the stand in court, she was belligerent and answered basic biographical questions about herself incorrectly, the trial transcript shows.
Even the prosecutor once described her as a woman ravaged from head to toe by crack whom no one would ever find credible.

The jury did not know that Ms. Gomez had already testified as an eyewitness against Mr. Hill in a previous murder trial, in which he was acquitted.

She later testified against Mr. Hill’s two brothers, and was known to have offered information on countless neighborhood crimes in exchange for cash, according to former police supervisors in Brooklyn. In all, prosecutors say, she provided crucial testimony in at least six homicide cases, all of which were assigned to Detective Scarcella.

The doubts about Mr. Scarcella’s reliance on the same witness prompted Legal Aid Society lawyers to look further into the background of another woman who was a witness at Mr. Hill’s trial and who testified she overheard him boast that he had killed once before and could kill again.

The Legal Aid lawyers discovered that the woman testified in another trial less than a year after Mr. Hill’s conviction and that, in testimony very similar to what she gave against Mr. Hill, she told jurors that the defendant had said he had killed before and would kill again.

Both that witness and Ms. Gomez are now dead.

Mr. Hill admits that he put the dying man in a cab, but denies that he murdered him.

“I never killed nobody,” said Mr. Hill, who expressed regret for his past lifestyle.

Mr. Hill’s case was reopened last May as The New York Times was investigating the case and others in which Mr. Scarcella was accused of misconduct.

By then Mr. Scarcella had been accused by the Brooklyn district attorney of manufacturing a case against David Ranta, a man who spent 23 years in prison for a murder he almost certainly did not commit. Court records show Mr. Scarcella has been accused of making up confessions, roughing up suspects and taking informers out of jail and letting them smoke crack.

Mr. Scarcella has denied wrongdoing. His lawyers say that it is the detective who has been falsely accused.

“Despite New York Times stories to the contrary, no defendant investigated, interviewed or questioned by Mr. Scarcella, including David Ranta, has been exonerated or proven to be innocent,” his lawyers, Alan M. Abramson and Joel S. Cohen, said in a statement.

A spokeswoman for the Brooklyn district attorney, Kenneth P. Thompson, declined to say whether the office had taken a position on Mr. Hill’s parole.

Mr. Hill should be released because of his improving prison record and his deteriorating health, Ms. Katz said. Mr. Hill has multiple sclerosis.

Robert Dennison, a former Parole Board chairman who now works as an inmate advocate, said the previous admissions of guilt could be a tough hurdle for Mr. Hill. However, he noted that Sundhe Moses, another inmate convicted in a case investigated by Mr. Scarcella, was released after pleading innocence and documenting discrepancies in his case.

“The Parole Board is supposed to measure remorse, which is something that is very difficult to do when someone comes in and says, ‘Look, I’m not guilty, even though society found me guilty,’ ” said Mr. Dennison, who wrote a letter to the Parole Board on Mr. Hill’s behalf. “It puts him in a difficult, but not insurmountable, position.”

Correction: April 17, 2014
An article in some editions on Monday about the coming parole hearing for Robert Hill, whose conviction in the killing of Donald Manboardes is one of the cases reopened after allegations of misconduct against the detective Louis Scarcella, misstated the month and the year that Mr. Manboardes was fatally shot. It was January 1987, not December 1986.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Man Wrongfully Convicted in 1989 Brooklyn Murder Is Set Free (NYT)

Yet another win for the good guys!!

His alibi was simple: He was in Orlando at the time of the shooting, on a family trip to Walt Disney World.
During the trial, Mr. Fleming’s lawyers gave evidence showing that he was in Orlando around the time of the murder — plane tickets and video footage and vacation photos from family members. But prosecutors argued he could have returned to Brooklyn and shot Mr. Alston, producing a list with 53 possible flights he could have taken, according to a document prepared by Mr. Fleming’s lawyers, Taylor Koss and Anthony Mayol. And they cast doubt on the testimony from Mr. Fleming’s family members about his whereabouts.

A woman who said she was an eyewitness, Jacqueline Belardo, identified Mr. Fleming as the killer. Though she recanted what she said before sentencing, saying she had identified Mr. Fleming in exchange for a dismissal of grand larceny charges against her, the prosecution contended that Ms. Belardo was lying, according to the document.
In June 2013, the Conviction Integrity Unit began examining Mr. Fleming’s conviction after investigators and lawyers for Mr. Fleming brought it the new witness statements. In November, the unit turned over to the defense police logs that it had come across during its look at the case. The logs showed that Ms. Belardo, the purported eyewitness, had been brought in after being found in a stolen van and charged with grand larceny; after several hours of questioning, she pointed to Mr. Fleming as the killer, according to the defense document. A little over an hour later, her charges were voided and she was released. Ms. Belardo still stands by her recantation, according to the document.
The Conviction Integrity Unit also turned over the phone receipt. At 9:27 p.m. on Aug. 14, 1989, Mr. Fleming had paid a phone bill at the Orlando Quality Inn, making it unlikely he could have made it back to Brooklyn in time for the 2:15 a.m. shooting on Aug. 15. But the receipt was not a part of trial evidence. Mr. Koss said at Tuesday’s hearing that Mr. Fleming had asked about the receipt at the time of the trial and that a detective at the trial was questioned about the receipt and said he did not recall recovering it. Investigators found the receipt in the case file last year.
Other new evidence was a report from the Orlando Police Department, which had looked into Mr. Fleming’s alibi at the New York Police Department’s request. The Orlando police interviewed Quality Inn staff members who remembered Mr. Fleming; at the trial, the only witnesses to vouch for Mr. Fleming’s presence in Orlando were family members.
It was the new documentary evidence that was most compelling in this case, said Mr. Hale, the assistant district attorney, specifically the receipt and the Orlando Police Department’s letter. “We, in looking at the evidence, do not believe we have the present ability to retry the defendant,” nor will the office be able to retry him in the future, Mr. Hale said.
As part of their investigation, the defense and prosecutors then reinterviewed witnesses to the murder, and their accounts pointed to a different suspect.
“They’re bringing my baby home,” said Mr. Fleming’s mother, Patricia Fleming, 72. An innocent man “did all this time,” she said. “It was hard on him and it was hard on me.”

Brooklyn DA Appoints New Head Of Conviction Review Unit


April 7, 2014

Kings County District Attorney Kenneth P.
Thompson Announces Harvard Law Professor Ronald S. Sullivan As New Chief of the Conviction Review Unit
Professor Sullivan Also Led Washington D.C.’s Public Defender Service

Brooklyn, NY. Kings County District Attorney Kenneth P. Thompson today named Harvard Law Professor Ronald S. Sullivan, Jr. as Special Counsel to the District Attorney for the revamped Conviction Review Unit (CRU). Professor Sullivan, who teaches at Harvard Law School and heads its Criminal Justice Institute, will guide the CRU, which has been tasked with the responsibility of conducting a thorough and fair reinvestigation of cases under review by the District Attorney’s Office. The CRU has recently been expanded and reorganized and consists of experienced prosecutors, investigators and support staff. They Unit will work in consultation with an outside independent panel of three attorneys, Bernard W. Nussbaum, Jennifer G. Rodgers and Gary S. Villanueva, who will provide assistance in evaluating the cases.

“I am pleased that Professor Sullivan has agreed to bring his considerable legal knowledge, experience and scholarship to lead the efforts of this very important Conviction Review Unit. The CRU has the crucial task of reexamining a number of cases to determine if justice was done and Professor Sullivan’s background and experience makes him an excellent choice to fill this essential role. We will continue our careful and deliberate review of these cases in our pursuit of justice and fairness,” said District Attorney Kenneth Thompson.

Professor Sullivan has been on the Harvard Law faculty since 2007 and teaches and writes in the areas of criminal law, criminal procedure, legal ethics and race theory. Prior to teaching at Harvard, Professor Sullivan served on the faculty of the Yale Law School, where, after his first year teaching, he won the law school’s award for outstanding teaching. Between the years 1995 and 2004, at different times, he served as Staff Attorney, General Counsel and eventually Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Washington D.C. Public Defender Service.

Professor Sullivan also served as Chief Counsel for the Orleans Public Defenders Board, where he designed an indigent defense delivery system for New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. In that role, he implemented a number of reforms that brought the office in compliance with relevant norms and standards for indigent defense. In addition, Professor Sullivan was the Chair and Founding Member of the Jamestown Project, a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to creating, articulating, promoting and implementing new ideas for enriching American democracy. Professor Sullivan also has served as Liaison to the American Bar Association’s Standards Task Force on the Prosecution and Defense Function since 2006.

Professor Sullivan is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Morehouse College, and the Harvard Law School.

Brooklyn DA Drops Appeal in Habeas Corpus Case (New York Law Journal)

Another one for the good guys!

, New York Law Journal

At the direction of a new district attorney, Brooklyn prosecutors are dropping their challenge to a high-profile habeas corpus grant in a case that Eastern District Judge Nicholas Garaufis (See Profile) called "rotten from day one."
Last year, Garaufis ordered the release of William Lopez, who had served 23 years in prison for a murder he insists he did not commit. Garaufis later blocked the possibility of retrial because prosecutors in the office of former District Attorney Charles Hynes did not take "concrete and substantial steps" to retry Lopez within a 60-day deadline.
Hynes' office appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (NYLJ, Jan. 17, 2013; March 21, 2013).
But in March 26 court papers, District Attorney Kenneth Thompson moved for voluntary dismissal of the appeal.
With April 3 oral arguments approaching, the filing in Lopez v. Miller, 13-589 said, at Thompson's request, that the office had "conducted a thorough re-evaluation of the facts of this case. As a result of that re-evaluation, the District Attorney's office has concluded that there is a sufficient possibility that Lopez is not guilty of the crimes that are the subject of this habeas proceeding so as to render going forward with the consolidated appeal to this court contrary to the interest of justice."
Throughout his campaign to unseat the veteran D.A., Thompson raised the issue of questionable prosecutions. During one debate, Thompson challenged Hynes on whether he would apologize to Lopez, who was in the audience. Hynes would not comment, as the case was on appeal (NYLJ, August 23, 2013). The circuit has not yet ruled on Thompson's motion.
Richard Levitt of Levitt & Kaizer represented Lopez.
Brooklyn Assistant District Attorney Leonard Joblove, chief of the office's appeals bureau, appeared for the prosecution.

Read more:

Restoring Confidence In Brooklyn DA’s Office (The Jewish Week)

Minor oversight in forgetting to mention the dismissal of charges against Sam Kellner. If ever there was a man who knew what it was like to be stuck on the Charles Hynes Railroad, it's that guy.

This is an editorial from 4/2/2014:

The new Brooklyn district attorney, Ken Thompson, ended Sam Kellner’s three-year legal ordeal last month, dismissing his criminal case after a six-week investigation concluded that the witnesses against him “lacked credibility to such a degree” that the case could not be prosecuted. Kellner is the whistleblower from a chasidic community who pressed charges against Baruch Lebovits for alleged sexual abuse against Kellner’s young son. That brave act turned into a nightmare when Kellner himself was later charged with perjury and extortion.
According to Kellner’s attorneys, in a conference in chambers before the dismissal of those charges, the prosecutor handling the case told the judge that Kellner had been indicted on what was, in effect, manufactured and perjured testimony.
This was a conclusion The Jewish Week, through the meticulous reporting of special correspondent Hella Winston, reached over a year ago, based on an analysis of district attorney and court records, as well as her own extensive, independent investigation. All indications were that the case against Kellner was cooked up by powerful and well-connected supporters of Lebovits — a convicted chasidic child molester — to get him out of jail. That these supporters found such a willing ally in former district attorney Charles Hynes, under whose nose they had also successfully intimidated and then turned an alleged victim of Lebovits against Kellner, is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this sordid affair.
During his run for office, Thompson made the issue of prosecutorial conduct a centerpiece of his campaign. He has begun putting together a special unit in his office to review possible wrongful convictions, and the New York Law Journal recently reported that he is seeking a half-million dollars to staff it, telling members of the City Council, “We need to give people confidence in the convictions that come out of the Brooklyn office.”
Fortunately for Kellner, whose indictment wreaked havoc on his and his family’s life, not to mention the small community of Orthodox anti-sex abuse advocates and victims, his case was dismissed before an unjust plea deal or verdict could be reached —a fate that wrongfully convicted Brooklyn men like Jabbar Collins, David Ranta and William Lopez were not so lucky to be spared. However, if Thompson is serious about restoring public confidence in the Brooklyn criminal justice system, we believe it is incumbent on him to conduct a full investigation into just how and why Sam Kellner came to be indicted in the first place. In addition, the probe must hold to account those within Kellner’s own community, the district attorney’s office and the wider legal community who were responsible for this perversion of the criminal justice system.
